As the Scout Executive for the Circle Ten Council, I will use my enthusiasm, experience, and leadership skills to grow the strongest youth serving organization in the BSA.
Chief Scout Executive's Winner Circle 1990-2005
Quality District 1990-2005
Quality Council 1996-2005
PDL, I, II, IIITotal Quality Management
Coaching Seminar, Field Director Training, Instructor PDL 1, II, III
Fiscal Management, Scout Executive Training, Wood Badge
Camp School Director (Cub Scout Day Camp and Boy Scout Resident Camp)
Philmont Training Center Course Director
Have recruited and assembled various committees to support the efforts of the Information Technology Group. Developed the position and recruited the past CIO of PepsiCo to serve as the first Chief Technology Advisor. Have worked with National Board Members and all four Regional Presidents on various projects. Prospected, recruited and have worked intimately with the past two National Jamboree executive leadership teams.
Forty years as a member of BSA. Eagle Scout class of 1979. Twenty-seven years as a professional Scouter. Strengths include: Ability to attract quality employees and volunteers to join the team. Tenacious with accountability and supervision of staff in areas of finance, membership development, teaching, coaching, customer service, and mentoring. Quality volunteer relations including team building skills and volunteer/staff relations. Dedicated to the BSA movement and the members of our organization.
Currently, I serve the movement as a member of the Chief Scout Executives’ Cabinet and as Technology Group Director. The Cabinet consist of sixteen trusted leaders that are appointed personally by the Chief. Even though I have never worked in technology, I was chosen to lead because of my ability to develop strategic direction, give leadership and “get the job done.” Implementation of many innovative processes including online registration and the integration of “Scout Book” while saving more than a million dollars of expenses has defined my service in this role.
The Technology group was unfocused and in need of leadership and strategic direction. We developed the site to allow for complete transparency and accountability at all levels. The road map has kept us laser focused and has given us the ability to say no to non-essential activities and projects.My vision includes giving leadership to our staff and volunteers to rally around a goal that will far exceed our growing youth population and together build a plan to serve over 100,000 youth in the next ten years. Membership growth takes vision, commitment, and accountability, as well as an evangelical approach and passion that is shared by everyone in the council at all levels. Hopefully I will be able to share with you my passion and soon come to learn what your personal passion is for Scouting.
We need to capitalize and jump on the opportunity to grow in the communities that have the greatest potential. Many of our neighborhoods are thriving with youth that need to be asked to join. An assessment by zip code can give the staff the knowledge of the areas they serve as well as the insight on how many youth are actually available to become members.
Once we understand where our target markets are, we will take full advantage of the BeAScout Platform to enable our Unit leaders to communicate with new parents and their youth.
Currently we only have 47% of our Units actively using this tool to share information with new prospects. By increasing the number of Units utilizing this tool we can easily add 1000 additional new youth members to our ranks which would represent a 12% increase and would be a giant step in our effort to double our current membership. Once all our Unit Accounts are active we will be able to leverage the newly launched online registration platform to its fullest potential and we will be open for recruitment 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 12 month a year.
Previous successful membership campaigns
“True leadership only exists if people follow when they have the freedom not to.”
This statement found in the book Good to Great written by Jim Collins defines my approach to leadership. I have been a leader of teams, projects, staff, and volunteers my entire life from the role of Patrol Leader in Troop 152 to the role I currently play as a Group Director overseeing 163 employees and contractors. I can relate to staff and volunteers in a very genuine manner which allows me to adapt by leadership style to the situation and the people. I am vision orientated and believe that if we establish a solid plan, communicate individual roles in executing the plan, and hold ourselves and others accountable for results than there is no limit to how far we can go as a team.
“Greatness is not a function of circumstance, it turns out, is largely a matter of conscious choice, and discipline.”Jim Collins.
December 2016 - present
Irving, TX
Currently give leadership to five separate departments in support of Information Technology, Strategic Performance, Research, Performance Evaluation, and Health and Safety for the BSA.
Developed general operating budgets and remain responsible for the management of almost 30% of the BSA annual operating budget which is approximately 37 million dollars.
Directly supervise, coach and mentor five department managers and four team leaders who empower seventy-eight full time employees, as well as eighty-five independent contractors from fifteen different corporations around the world.
April 2014 - December 2016
Irving, TX
Developed general operating budget and was responsible for the management of approximately 3.5 million dollars. Managed several different board appropriation funds ensuring proper accounting and expenditure of the monies. Directly supervised, coached and mentored five team leaders ensuring effective goal setting and quality achievement. Developed office procedures and processes to effectively manage and support twenty-two employees.
January 2010 - April 2014
Irving, TX
Consolidation of four separate regional operations in support of the New BSA organization. Developed general operating budget and responsible for the management of approximately 8.5 million dollars. Directly supervise, coach and mentor three team leaders and seven employees ensuring effective goal setting and quality achievement. Developed office procedures and processes to effectively manage and support twenty nine area directors in the field.
August 2009 - January 2010
Irving, TX
Directly supervised, coached and mentored four team leaders and twenty three employees ensuring effective goal setting and quality achievement. Developed five different general operating budgets responsible for the management of approximately 4.5 million dollars. Developed the “Words to Live By” national recruitment campaign that included marketing assets for local council membership and finance campaigns. Conducted an analysis of local councils identifying their individual strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and trends in order to utilize national and regional support to strengthen their membership recruitment efforts.
March 2006 - August 2008
Irving, TX
Directed the research and analyzed current customer needs in order to lead change in the program quality and delivery at local councils. Developed and implemented the new Cub Scout Leader Training Syllabus, Roundtable Fast Start Training, and Den Chief Training courses. Successfully developed and piloted the “Fast Tracks” program that resulted in 20% gains in retention rates in test councils. Successfully implemented the “Race to Cub Scouting” national recruitment campaign enticing over 78% of the local councils to embrace the theme and utilize the materials to recruit over 1.5 million new Cub Scouts in the three year period.
January 2002 - March 2006
Boise, ID
Developed a stewardship manual and implemented fiscal procedures in the council resulting in a balanced operating budget for each year of operation. Analyzed the needs of each of the districts and provided leadership and guidance to field staff to prospect and recruit quality key volunteers that accomplished the objectives of the council. Developed relationships with community leaders to utilize personal resources and further their involvement on the board of the council. Achieved balanced member and unit growth each year and increased Cub Scout membership by 6.3%, Boy Scouts by 4.5% and Ventures by 10.4%.
January 1999 - January 2002
Sacramento, CA
Served as the number two professional in this large metro council providing leadership and coaching to four district directors and sixteen unit serving executives. Oversee the operation of the council headquarters office and responsible for all aspects of council and district operations.
January 1990 - September December 1998
Reno, NV
Developed and trained a full team of volunteers for three different districts. Developed community fundraising resources. Wood Badge staff advisor. Supervised all council special events and district activities and 40 staff members as the camp director. Developed outstanding outdoor programs and increased annual camp operating budget.
Visit personally with executive board members to introduce myself and to seek their continued personal involvement for the future.
Develop a list of "People to Meet" by interviewing board members and create opportunities to engage with the power structure of the various communities in the council.
Establish a regular Key Three meeting schedule to establish good lines of communication with the Council leadership.
Begin developing relationships with community leaders, other youth organizations, and United Way leadership to ensure Scouting's continued visibility and positioning in the community.
Meet with the leadership teams responsible for the fall recruitment campaign. Understand any issues with school access and help remediate. Gain awareness of current use of the BeAScout Platform as well as online registration. Review goals, plans, and recruiting efforts to date.
Review council financial status including all fundraising campaigns, product sales, special events and financial needs. Review plans and recruiting efforts for 2017.
Meet individually with officers responsible for the 2018 budgets. Review planning status and begin process of establishing the 2018 budgets.
Determine efficiency of purchasing procedures to ensure strong fiscal management.
Meet with the Strategic Planning Committee to review current plan. Develop implementation plan and share it with the Scouting community and the business communities in the council.
Meet with professional staff and office partners to open lines of communication, establish trust, and learn about their knowledge of their role in the organization.
Review staff organization and determine needs. Discuss with officers and implement the agreed upon plan.
Conduct Fireside Chats in each service area or district to open channels of communication and meet district and unit level volunteers in their communities. Assess their needs and opinions of where improvements in services are needed.
Get actively involved in the community by joining a service organization and participate in projects that will give high visibility to the Scouting program. Meet with top community leaders who may not be involved in the Scouting program.
Circle 10 Volunteer
National Director of Field Service
Learning for Life/Exploring
Strategy Team Lead
Senior Program Development Specialist
Performance Management Specialist
Data Scientist, Eagle Scout, Circle 10
Devoted family man, father and husband. Married 20 years to wife, Debi and have one son, 17-year old Nicolas.
Member of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seaton Catholic Church.
Active as youth baseball coach and fan of youth sports.
Parenting, Golf, Hunting, Fishing, Camping, Gardening
9701 Sam Bass Trail
Keller, TX 76044
1325 West Walnut Hill Lane
Irving, TX 75038